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Thursday, 14 April 2011

Pathway to nowhere

Sorry folks but some of the paths are temporarily closed. I have already had two complaints and its only 11am! The contractors have put barriers up with notices but it appears that having to double back is an inconvenience. I will put out some more barriers and notices at the end of the paths to try to prevent this from happening again.

There are two paths closed - the top path behind the pond, and the main path beyond Ford House.  So if you don't want to double back then please avoid the ziggy-zaggy path and the path from the field through the woodland. You can still walk through to get to Hoad Hill - stick to the main drive in front of Ford House - there is a diversion just past the house to the right, which takes you onto Poplar Grove.  Please take care as there may be delivery and other vehicles moving about.  For you own pet's safety, please put your dogs on leads as you approach the gateway to Ford House.

I hope you will bear with us as this is only just the start and, as the saying goes - you have to break eggs to make an omelet!

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